Do you know the job of a virtual assistant? If so, this article is for you, and if not, this article is for you as well, as it is a very promising activity for freelancers.
Being a virtual assistant has become more and more popular over the last 5 years, the demand is constant and companies are ready to put the necessary budget to benefit from this type of service.
Delegating or subcontracting a project to a virtual assistant has many advantages, but it is a profession that requires a certain amount of interest. What is a virtual assistant? How to become one? Who needs this service?
Discover the answers to these questions in the following lines.
What is a virtual assistant?
A virtual assistant is a freelancer who offers multiple services. They usually focus on secretarial, administrative or other services designed specifically for businesses via the internet, fax or telephone.
Since the advent of teleworking, virtual assistants have become a practical solution to allow entrepreneurs to focus on the essentials: management.
Thanks to the internet and new information and communication technologies, the virtual assistant has the resources to be operational. He can maintain proximity with the entrepreneurs with tools such as:
- software and applications
- office automation
- emails
- video-conferencing
- telephone calls.
Now that we know the concept of virtual assistance, let’s see its importance and how to become one.
Why use a virtual assistant?
The company hires a virtual assistant generally in order to delegate, and as the company generates more and more turnover, the administrative aspect becomes important.
It can also happen that employees are on holiday and there is no one to deal with the paperwork.
The role of the assistant includes
handling telephone calls,emails,diary,customer service,traditional and/or digital marketing,administrative tasks,secretarial work.
Depending on the company’s needs, all or part of the tasks can be delegated to the assistant. Using a virtual assistant is very advantageous because there is no cost to pay and the remuneration is generally hourly or monthly depending on the company.
The advantages of using a virtual assistant
Here are some of the advantages of hiring a virtual assistant on a freelance basis:
-operating costs are reduced
-the hours of the missions are flexible, there is no precise imposition.
-The work is done remotely, which allows for better time management.
With this in mind, let’s look at how to get started in this business.
How do you get started in virtual assistance?
There are no specific qualifications to become a virtual assistant, but there are training courses with certification to acquire skills in the administrative, office and digital fields.
The good news is that there are sites on the internet to train anyone who wants to start on the right foot and make a living from it easily, such as the site
In addition, a virtual assistant must be able to manage his schedule as in a company. This requires organisation and discipline.
He must also be able to master computer and internet tools. Good interpersonal skills are a major asset, both in terms of written and oral communication, in order to gain the recruiter’s confidence and make recommendations.
Of course, and he will always have to provide quality work corresponding to the expectations of the company managers.
Other points necessary to start as a virtual assistant:
In order to get started, you need to make yourself known, in other words, you need to do everything you can to make sure that people know you exist.
Here is what you have to do:
Find your first clients. To begin with, I recommend that
you work on easy and low-paying tasks.
- Collect as many reviews of your services as possible.
- Create an offer adapted to your target.
- Retain your customers while you can.
- Get recommendations.
- Show your expertise via social networks and your website.
To conclude, the virtual assistant profession is a promising one, and anyone can become one and earn a comfortable living. It is enough to train if you start from scratch and find the right marketing tricks to make yourself known.
There will always be a great need for this profession, now is the time to seize the opportunity and be independent.
By Nyamga.