8 étapes pour réussir en tant qu'entrepreneur
You know what they say – the measure of a person is not how many times you fail, but how many times you get back up again. And…
J'ai participé au live de dikalo le 12 Octobre 2022
I arrived late due to a scheduling conflict on my end, but I was able to watch the whole video. And I must say that the content was…

Les bases de la gestion de projet pour les propriétaires d'entreprise
It’s not easy to keep track of every moving piece of your business, especially when you’re also the CEO, CFO, and HR manager. Organizing your business activities into…

Qu'est-ce qu'une Flywheel ? Comprendre les mécanismes de réussite des entreprises
When it comes to business success, the flywheel is a useful analogy. In fact, the flywheel is one of the most widely used business analogies. It explains how…
Pourquoi externaliser les tâches de votre entreprise à des prestataires tiers ?
Outsourcing your business tasks can be a game-changing strategy. It can help your company become more profitable by focusing on what you do best and minimizing time…

Comment utiliser l'effet Flywheel d'Amazon pour développer votre entreprise?
Amazon has grown from an online bookstore into the world’s third-largest retailer by using the flywheel effect. The flywheel is a business model first discovered by an organization…

Comment se spécialiser en tant que freelance
When you start as a freelancer, you tend to want to do a little bit of everything in order to get referrals.The quest for visibility and the search…